05/24/2020 @ 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Salatul Eid Ul Fitr
Asalaam Alaikum,
Eid ul Fitr, Shawwal 1, 1441H Insha’Allah will be declared based on moon sighting.  It has been a distinct pleasure to have you join us online each night for Ramadan nightly programs. Surely we have all enjoyed the true blessings of the month of Ramadan and Insha’Allah our prayers and our wishes will continue to be fulfilled throughout the year. Please review and save the attached Shawwal program schedule and Fitra guidance information below.  Please let us know if you have any questions.
 Salat Eid ul Fitr
Program Schedule
The Eid ul Fitr program, insha’Allah will be broadcast online via www.iechusaini.org or directly via the IEC YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/IecChicago).
9:00AM:  Salatul Eid-ul-Fitr and Sermon led and delivered by Moulana Saiyed Mehboob Mehdi Abidi al-Najafi
Fitra Guidance
Fitra can be paid via one of the following methods:
(1) online at www.iechusaini.org,
(2) Zelle at [email protected], you must also complete this form https://forms.gle/RHwRQzh4ypiSMHo56 to designate fitra as Syed or Non-Syed,
(3) post mail addressed to IEC Husaini, 1269 Goodrich Avenue, Glendale Heights, IL 60139 or
(4) fitra placed sealed envelope dropped in the IEC Husaini mailbox by 5:00 PM, Monday, May 25, 2020.
Important: When submitting fitra payment, please note in details/memo of payment method if fitra should be applied as Syed or Non-Syed.
Fitra is given to a faithful religious person. It is given to them only to fulfill their needs. It is imperative upon a person providing fitra to give priority consideration to underprivileged person(s) in their own family. If such a person (s) does not exist within a family, then one should identify an underprivileged person in their neighborhood or community. Fitra can not be paid in advance of Eid ul Fitr. However an equivalent amount may be provided as Amanat in advance; and after the sighting of 1st Shawwal/Eid ul Fitr moon the Amanat (intention) can be changed to Fitra. A Syed can provide Fitra to both Syed and non-Syed, but a non-Syed cannot provide fitra to a Syed.
According to IEC’s estimates and derivations, the Fitra amount is $10.00 per person. It is recommended to be generous in providing Fitra, which is a form of charity. If you have any questions, please contact Moulana Saiyed Mehboob Mehdi Abidi al-Najafi. May Allah (SWT) reward you in abundance and provide you and your family with the best of health, happiness and prosperity. Please join us online for the Eid ul Fitr prayers and celebration. Jazakum’Allah Khair.
IEC Husaini
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